Made to Order Apps (MTOA) is a mobile applications for businesses who's looking for launch operations quickly.


  • Users

  • Admin

  • Vendor

  • Web portal

Our Concepts

  • WFH App

  • HR App

  • Services App

  • Delivery App

  • Product App

  • Marketing App


  • Register

  • Browse Service

  • Push Notification

  • Score & Review

  • Chat and Talk

  • Email & SMS

  • History

  • Dashboard

  • Users management

  • Security

  • Documents and images

  • Location

  • Appointment

  • Profiles

The Design

  1. Problem Selection

  2. Solution Planning

  3. Solution Sketching

  4. Storyboard

  5. Mockup

  6. Prototype

  7. User Validation

  8. Alpha Version

  9. Beta Version

  10. Pre-Released

  11. Released

  12. Bugs and MA